God never gave up on me and made my family and faith stronger than ever by Tracy Williams 11th March 2020 1.3K Jenn had been married to her husband since 2013, and they had mostly good times. Even through difficult times they had many happy and wonderful moments. Those happy days quickly turned into dark days when it came to light that her ex-husband had been abusing her three children. She could never get through those tough times if she was on her own. Her husband stuck with her through the entire court case, and the many hospital stays for her oldest son. It took a special man to stay with her and her children, who were not his biological children. He was with her right from the start, he loved them, and nobody else would have dealt with all that was thrown at them without leaving. They attended church, and tried to live Godly lives, but they honestly did not have a real relationship with Jesus. She admitted to putting her children before God, and was lost in her life because her priorities were mixed up. She was involved in a serious motor accident when she lost control of her car. The tire rod broke which caused the car to crash into the side of a bridge, almost throwing her over the side and into the river. That day she nearly died, and would have left her children without a mother, and her husband without a wife. That day God saved her life by helping her out of the wreckage of what could have been a fatal accident with no injuries. She kept replaying the crash in her mind over and over, and because of this she started feeling disassociated with her loved ones. It was then when she realised that God had something to say and that she needed to listen. As she grew closer to God there were many arguments between her and her husband. She realised that because she grew closer to God, Satan had put an assignment out on her life. That he was real and that he was trying to destroy her family. She was constantly involved in warfare against the enemy, and it was a frightening time in her life. Many people who know her, are aware of the fact that she verbally makes note of her feelings and her circumstances, and that she is not good at keeping things secret. By talking about what was going on in her life she scared her children and her husband. She was even afraid herself, but she knew that because of the power that one has in their words she had to be careful of what she said and believed. One night during prayer she fell down on her knees and asked Jesus to help her fight the battle for her family. That night God spoke to her for the first time. He reprimanded her and comforted her at the same time. Satan started removing his grip from her and her family, and she just held tight to the promises that God gave her. When her family realised that she spoke with God everyday they started to do it as well. That is how her family started having a relationship with God. It brought their family closer together and they were at their happiest. Jenn is more in love with her husband than ever and now her family submits under God, with Him at the head of the house. Her husband adopted her children and they are serving God together. Jenn hopes that her testimony will show others not to wait, but to learn to know who God is, for people not to give up on God because he can do everything, even the impossible. Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Don’t let a negative church experience keep you away from God and everlasting life next post 10 events that Jesus prophesied You may also like Don’t let a negative church experience keep you away from God and... 11th March 2020 The closer I drew near to God, the more God showed Himself... 11th March 2020 Don’t wait to give your life to Jesus 11th March 2020