Evidence that points towards the reality of the global flood by Tracy Williams 10th March 2020 1.7K If there was a universal flood that at some stage destroyed all life on earth (on solid land) then all of the progress made during the evolutionary process would have been eradicated and not that long ago either according to the age of the chalk layer to the right. By the science presented today, we should all just be single-celled organisms if The Theory of Evolution was true. But what we observe today is a completely different scenario. The evidence for a universal flood is everywhere, and the very possibility of a universal flood means that the whole evolutionary scenario collapses.If you continue, and have an evolutionary process all the way up to mankind, then there would be a gap which destroys the continuity from the very ancient features of the geological column to the modern features. This is why some scientists can’t believe there was a universal flood as it leads one towards the belief that God created the earth and the Bible is accurate. It also shows that Noah had to build an ark to preserve the animals after their kind as the whole world was covered by water at the same time.Looking at the geological column/timechart on the right, at the universal cretaceous layer (which is a chalk layer) that covers the whole world, we see evidence that there was vast quantities of water that covered the earth at the same time. Another interesting thing about this cretaceous layer is that it consists of the skeletal remains of minute planktonic green algae which once lived floating in the upper levels of the ocean. Many different ocean floor species like brachiopods, bivalves, crinoids, and sponges can all be found in the chalk layer as well as sharks’ teeth. Millions of years are not necessarily needed to build up an algae layer. In a disturbed ecological environment an algal bloom/marine bloom/water bloom is a fast increase in a population of algae which we already see happening today. The oceans had to be shallow for these layers to form because in present day oceans which are deep, these micro-organisms dissolve and these layers don’t form. This is just what we would expect after a depression of the continents, shallow seas and an ocean in a disturbed ecology of chalk layers forming universally which means that the whole world was immersed under water at the same time.Fossils are formed when oxygen is removed instantly from an animal or object and a watery catastrophe seems to be the ultimate way in which most fossils formed over time. “If covered by moist sediment, weathering is prevented. For these reasons quick burial is perhaps the most important condition favoring fossilization.” “Water borne sediments are so much widely distributed than all other agents of burial that they include the great majority of fossils.” Dunbar, C.O 1957; Historical geology, John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York. What we see with fossils is that something under the waters must have buried them very rapidly. It couldn’t have been a scenario where the creatures were lying in a pond which dried up then they fossilized over a long period of time because scavengers would have eaten them or the scales would have deteriorated etc. We also find fossil beds with lots of scales embedded in the rocks and we don’t find this today when animals die because the scales dissolve over time through abrasion. This is very likely to be an example of catastrophic quick burial from an underwater mud flow.If what is on the earth has been around for millions of years then we should not have a fossil record at all – but indeed we do have a fossil record. “Time and again wind, water and ice have cut and destroyed rocks that have been elevated to form continents. That there is a fossil record at all seems rather remarkable.” Evolution of Life E.C Olson, p21, 35, 1966.Because of erosion, the various layers should have all been eroded away over time and it would take a mere 10.2 million years at the lowest erosion level that we already experience in some of our dessert regions today to eradicate all of the continents down to sea level. All of these time period layers presented by popular science far exceed the erosion period mentioned above.Evolutionary processes should require:1. Advancement from simple to complex: You don’t start with the complex and go to the simple.2. Development from small to large: You can’t evolve starting with an elephant and ending in an amoeba.3. Low diversity going towards high diversity:If life is a chance event and starts in the distant past then you would have fewer animals then and more animals in the future.But what we find in reality is the opposite:1. Instances of irreducible complexity: There are some structures and organs in the body which need to be as complex as they are in order to function in any way, shape or form. You can not produce those structures and organs by slow increments or improvements over time – the organ or structure either works or it doesn’t.2. Reversed size sequences: Everything in the past was much bigger than it is today. We see the shark jaw on the right and dinosaur bones etc.3. Reversed diversity: If you look at the fossil record today we have only a fraction of what there was before – it looks like the planet is getting less populated in terms of diversity.Living fossils show that there hasn’t been much change, sea stars have always been sea stars, the same with mollusks, horseshoe crabs, sharks, ants and the only change that is noticeable is that they were much bigger in the past and have become smaller in the present. They have all stayed within their same kind and have not transitioned from one kind to another (e.g jumped from a horseshoe crab to a shark). Microevolution is the only kind of small adaptation that we can observe today but it is never outside of the animals species/kind. Small creatures are still very complex even the eye of an insect was used to design the Hubble telescopes mirror.Whole whales have been found fossilized like the fully intact wale in the picture on the right from Peru. This shows a major catastrophe involving water and mud being buried instantly many, many years ago.Petrified trees are trees that have turned to solid stone. At Yellowstone we see layers on top of layers of these petrified trees. The layers are flat, one on top of another and these trees go through many layers, there is no bark, no roots or branches (all are ripped off). Science proposes that these forests grew there then there was a volcanic eruption and the ash came down and buried the forest, and this is said to have happened over 40+ times making all these layers of forests. But through these layers we do not only see trees standing upright, but horizontal too and all fallen in the same direction.These layers of forests are orientated according to stream direction. We also see two layers which are explained to be the forest floors, but we see two forest floors just a hands width apart – how can an entire forest be the size of a hand? When you take the materials from these layers, and look at the material in a lab we see that the materials are all water-sorted. Today a forest would have twigs, leaves, pine needle and then twigs , leaves again all jumbled up together. However what we see instead are these items being sorted into an order by water.We have a very good example today of what could explain all of the anomalies above. When Mount St. Helens erupted, the ice melted from the top and formed a flood on the south side. The trees were ripped out, everything was covered in mud, houses were buried and all the trees were orientated in the direction of stream flow, they have no branches, no bark and their roots were ripped off. The layering also looks the same as the petrified forest. Huge quantities of trees gathered in the lakes and what we see is that some started floating upright, possibly because of the heavy root stump base. At the bottom of the river, huge quantities of thick layers of bark was found. Some coal scenes consist of nothing but bark which is unexplainable in a typical forest situation. Some brown coal fields consist of the logs and some of the lower layers consist of nothing but bark. Around 19,000 upright floating trees were counted in Spirit Lake and it only takes more mud to continuously fall into the lake for different mud layers to encapsulate all the trees making what we see today at Yellowstone.When a volcano erupts, each eruptive cycle has a special chemical fingerprint – as the magma forms under the volcano it is new material. When the chamber fills up again the material is new and if these cycles are more than 3 months apart then the chemistry is different. Samples were taken from all across the column in Yellowstone and what was found is that the chemistry at the bottom was exactly the same as at the top which points to this whole process in Yellowstone being no less than 3 months – not millions of years.This evidence for the global flood spoken about in the Bible which has been presented to you here is only the tip of the iceberg and begs one to question if what we have all been taught in our text books is true. When one looks around them at the environment, there seem to be major inconsistencies with what we are being told is the truth and what we observe in reality. Article source: “The Bible And Dinosaurs: How They Died. Bones in Stones. Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 3”. / “Human Evolution: How Did It Happen? Where Mammals Reigned, Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 4.” / “The Great Flood: Myth or History? A Universal Flood, Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 2.” South Foreland lighthouse, White Cliffs of Dover (above). Image credit: Archangel12, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Geological timechart (above left). Image credit: https://www.bgs.ac.uk/discovering-geology/fossils-and-geological-time/geological-timechart/.Upper cretaceous (Above right). Image credit: "The Great Flood: Myth or History? A Universal Flood. Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 2”. Image 3: Jelly fish fossil (above left) / Fish scales fossils embedded in rock (Above right). Images credit: “The Bible And Dinosaurs: How They Died. Bones in Stones. Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 3”. Image 4: Fossil specimen of S. maxima (above). Image credit: Anagoria, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. fossil of a fish eating a fish (above) suggesting rapid burial. Image credit: https://answersingenesis.org/fossils/how-are-fossils-formed/lessons-learned-from-a-fossil/ An insect eye in amber also unchanged and still very complex (above). Images credit: “The Bible And Dinosaurs: How They Died. Bones in Stones. Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 3”. Fossils and the modern day counterpart showing little to no change (above). Images credit: “The Bible And Dinosaurs: How They Died. Bones in Stones. Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 3”. Fossils and the modern day counterpart showing little to no change (above left) Shark jaw showing the bigger size of animals back before the flood (above right). Images credit: “The Bible And Dinosaurs: How They Died. Bones in Stones. Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 3”. An ant in amber unchanged from what there is today (above). Images credit: “The Bible And Dinosaurs: How They Died. Bones in Stones. Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 3”. Whole whale fossil (above). Image credit: “Human Evolution: How Did It Happen? Where Mammals Reigned, Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 4.”. Ancient in situ lycopsid, probably Sigillaria, with attached stigmarian roots. Specimen is from the Joggins Formation (Pennsylvanian), Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia (above). Image credit: Michael C. Rygel, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Schematic diagram of the layers of petrified trees at Yellowstone. (above left) Showing the two layers of proposed “forest floors” a hands width apart (above right). Images credit: https://creation.com/the-yellowstone-petrified-forests and "The Great Flood: Myth or History? A Universal Flood, Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 2." Trees found in the lake with no bark, branches and with roots ripped off (above). Image credit: "The Great Flood: Myth or History? A Universal Flood, Genesis Conflict by Walter Veith, Episode 2." 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